Early Morning Devotion During Lent
Thank You Letter from "Pedals for Progress"

A letter of thanks from Bishop Bickerton

Note: On the morning of February 1, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton sent the following letter,  expressing sincere thanks to our church who paid 100% of our 2023 connectional apportionments.

February 1, 2024

Dear Administrative Council Chair,

“Just as you excel in everything … see also that you excel in the grace of giving.”
2 Corinthians 8:7

In our recent cabinet meeting, we have reviewed the giving of each of our local churches for the last year and noted that your church paid 100% of your connectional apportionments last year. As your bishop, I’m especially proud of the commitment you have to each other and the way in which you demonstrate your commitment through your payment of Connectional Apportionments. I am writing today to thank you for that commitment.  It has not gone unnoticed and, I know, is a result of intentional hard work on your part.

Our United Methodist Book of Discipline clearly states that paying your Connectional Apportionments is every local church’s “first benevolent responsibility.” Your faithfulness on your giving to our apportionments, you are demonstrating that you are a partner in ministry with the New York Annual Conference.  I’m proud to write and acknowledge your faithfulness not only to the New York Annual Conference, and not only to the broader connection of The United Methodist Church, but also to the “kingdom work” that God has called us to as faithful disciples.

Thank you so very much for your hard work and faithfulness.  It is greatly appreciated.

God is faithful!  Faithful is also what God is asking us to be.   In the book of II Corinthians, Paul recounts the extreme faithfulness of the church in Macedonia even in the midst of what Paul described as a severe ordeal in the midst of extreme poverty.  They were faithful and joyful as they gave themselves to God and to one another.  When they did, they gave beyond what the Bible says was their ability to give at all.

God changed the world through them.  As we are faithful, I believe God will once again change the world, . . . through us!

Thank you once again for your faithfulness on your Conference Apportionments.  I deeply appreciate it.

The Journey Continues, . . .

Thomas J. Bickerton
Resident Bishop

New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, 20 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606
Toll free: 888-696-6922 | Phone: 914-997-1570

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