Memorial UMC offers Children’s Sunday School for Age 3 through Grade 12 on Sundays at 9:30 am (September through June). Classes are held in the Education Wing.


*Please submit one form per child.

Child Information

Parent/ Guardian Information

Emergency Contact

In case of an emergency during a “Program,” I authorize “Church” representatives to notify the adult emergency contacts designated below as soon as they determine it is safe and reasonably possible to do so.

Additional Information

Photography / Video Authorization and Liability Release

In consideration for permitting my child to enroll and participate Sunday School provided by Memorial United Methodist Church (“MUMC”), I, being 18 years or older, do for myself and on behalf of my child, agree and promise as follows:


Check the box you approve *

MUMC Minor Photo/Media Policy

While MUMC reserves the right to photograph and record church services and events, to respect children/youth privacy, we will observe the following guidelines:

  • Any child without the Photo/Media Release Form on file will not have their image used in any publicity. (Exception is candid community or group shots in which minors are not prominently featured, and no identifying information is presented.)
  • No child’s full name or personal identifying information will be used in conjunction with any video or digital images on the church website.
  • A child should always be portrayed dignified and respectful, not as vulnerable or submissive.
  • If you submit images to be used by MUMC, you are giving the church the right to use the photos. These images must not contain any copyrighted material without permission.
  • Parents/guardians may request a particular media item that prominently features their children be removed from use by submitting a request to the church office.
  • Our worship services are live-streamed. If you are uncomfortable with your child being on the live stream, do not send them forward for the children’s moment. If your child is serving or leading part of the service, they will be live-streamed, unless parents/guardians submit a request to the church office two weeks in advance.

Liability Waiver, Covenant to Hold Harmless & Indemnify

Check the box you approve *

Acolyte Opportunity for any 3-12th graders:

Acolyting (lighting the altar candles during the church service) can be one of the steps your child takes in becoming involved in the ministries here at Memorial. Acolyte training and written direction will be given.

If your child would like to serve as an acolyte, please check the box.

Parent/Guardian Covenant & Volunteer Opportunity

As a parent/guardian, I understand I am important in my child’s spiritual development and growth into a mature and faithful disciple of Jesus. As a partner in MUMC Children’s Ministry, I promise to uphold and support my child’s involvement in all aspects of participation in Sunday School classes, activities, events, and other church-related events. I pledge to give my child every possible benefit of home, school, church, and community.

If you’d like to serve in the MUMC Children’s Ministry, please check all areas you’re interested.