Sumgmu's Monthly Message, August 2024
Confirmation Sunday on 9/15

Sumgmu’s Monthly Message, September 2024

I am so thankful to celebrate confirmation on September 15th. And I am so proud of the five candidates: Alexa Hunter, Ella Ross, Daniel Slone, Makayla Tardiff, and Robert Tardiff. During the past year they have studied at the 13-session confirmation classes, spent at least 30 church service hours, and passed the individual interview with me.

They have worked very hard and faithfully. Finally, they will be confirmed and become professing members at our church. At the ceremony, I will ask each candidate, “Will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?” If you are a member of our church, you must have answered yes to this question.

I often hear modern Christians saying, “I am too busy to go to church. I am too busy to participate in church activities. I am too busy to help others in need.” I want to say to them, “No Christians are too busy to do the basics of Christianity.” This is not something extra but basic. And this is a matter of priority.

Our church has hundreds of professing members, but not many have put into practice what they promised with God at the membership ceremony: “Will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?” I am saying this, not because I want you to feel guilty, but because I want to remind you of your basic responsibilities as church members.

As I often say, rights and responsibilities cannot be separated. By grace, we have become children of God and by faith, we have been given eternal life. On the other hand, as Christians and as God’s children, we have to do some things for God and God’s church. Friends, let us do the basics as Christians. Happy Confirmation!

Sungmu Lee

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