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Sumgmu’s Monthly Message, March 2025

We begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. “Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by converts and then became a time for penance by all Christians” (The United Methodist Book of Worship 320). It is often tedious and difficult to prepare something for 40 days. Yet, without preparation, there is less chance of good results.

Recently, I watched an old movie “Cast Away.” While watching the movie, I mumbled, “God might feel like this.” As the main character made his first attempt to escape from the uninhabited island, I said, “No way. You cannot make it with such poor preparation.” God may say to us, “No. You cannot make it this time.” As the main character was depressed in failing to escape, so we may sometimes fall into depression when encountering failures in our lives. However, we find an important fact that we learn from our failures.

We Christians have prepared for Easter for about 2,000 years. If you have been Christians for fifty years, you have prepared for Easter fifty times. If you have not experienced the real joy of Easter, you must have failed to prepare well for it. However, let us not be disappointed. As I said above, we learn from our failures. We get another chance.

Do you want to take the chance to prepare faithfully for Easter this year? Come join us at our Sunday services and Wednesday and Thursday Lenten Bible studies. This is the way that our Christian ancestors experienced God and felt the real joy of Easter. Through the worship services and Bible studies you will encounter our Lord who gives you hope where there seems no hope. As worshiping God and studying the Bible together, you will meet our Lord who died for you and was resurrected to save you from sins.

I am sure that through the faithful preparation in Lent, you will make this year’s Easter really joyful and fruitful. Rejoice! Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. Happy Lent!

Sungmu Lee

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