Two Successful Febuary Fundraisers
CT District Evangelism Initiative 24-25

Sumgmu’s Monthly Message, March 2024

Some years ago, a casting director in a New Jersey theater was receiving a lot of death threats. It was all because, when the theater put on its annual passion play, he gave the part of Jesus to a black man. Some people expressed their objections by canceling their tickets. But others went a little further and threatened violence. A black Jesus was simply too different from their idea of what Jesus is supposed to be like. So, they felt they had to take matters into their own hands.

The problem is that our idea of what Jesus is supposed to be like does not always match up with the real Jesus. For example, we often assume that Jesus looks like the picture that we see hanging in Sunday school rooms, the picture of a handsome fellow with blue eyes and blond hair. Yet, historically speaking, it is not correct. We describe Jesus from our own perspectives, but our images of Jesus are not always correct. Jesus must have had dark-colored hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. After all, that is what most people who live in the Middle East look like. Thus, the images we have of Jesus probably are not correct.

What do you think Jesus should be like? Do you expect him to be the so-called superhero? Do you want him to help you to defeat all your enemies? Do you want him to give them hard time? If you answer yes, yes, and yes, you will be disappointed. That might be the main reason that many modern Christians have left their churches.

Jesus says to each of us, “Very soon, I am going to be arrested and beaten and killed. So if you want to be my follower, this is the way you also must be willing to come.” It seems like we Christians have joined a losing team. However, this is not the final word for us. After crucifixion, there is resurrection, which is the last word for Christians. Yet, without crucifixion, there is no resurrection. Through Good Friday we will get to Easter.

Our Christian life is similar to this. We live, we fail, and we die. Without Jesus Christ, there is just losing. As we go through these days of Lent, and as we encounter our own personal failures, and as we look ahead to our own death, we understand that God in Jesus Christ has lifted us up and put our feet on his. We may look like losers, but God causes us to win in his love and in his eternal effort. Therefore, rejoice! We are final winners in Jesus Christ.

Sungmu Lee

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