Sumgmu's Monthly Message, February 2024

Sumgmu’s Monthly Message, January 2024

Welcome to 2024! As we begin a new year, we are celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord on January 6th. The word epiphany comes from the Greek and means manifestation or appearance. God’s glory appeared to the world, and now God is manifested to humankind in the form of his Son, Jesus Christ. Whenever we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, we encounter the wise men from the East and their gifts for the baby Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Based on the example of their gifts we give each other gifts at Christmas.

I would like to share a story about gifts. Before Europeans landed in this country, Native Americans had a tradition. They circulated the sacred peace pipe among the local tribes. It would stay in a certain cabin for a while, but sooner or later it should be given away again. When Europeans came, they were invited to share the sacred pipe, as was the custom. A leader of the European settlers immediately took the sacred pipe and put it on the shelf in his cabin. There it stayed and stayed and stayed.

After a long time, the Native Americans came to visit. It was obvious that they expected something. Finally, a translator explained that the settler should offer them a smoke and give them the pipe. The European settler was upset, saying, “They gave me the pipe. Now, do they want me to give it back to them?” Both the Native Americans and the European settlers did not understand each other. Clearly the Native Americans did not understand private property, and the term Indian-giver was coined.

We have inherited the European understanding of gifts. We keep gifts that we receive. However, I would say that God is more like the Native Americans in the story. God could be called an Indian-giver, in that he wanted gifts to circulate, to keep on giving. God wants us also to be Indian-givers. God has given us a lot of spiritual and material gifts, and God wants us to share them with our neighbors.

Looking back upon my ministry at our church during the past 18 months, I strongly feel it is God’s gifts that you and I have done ministry harmoniously, respecting each other and supporting each other. Now, God wants us to circulate the gifts to our neighbors by serving and inviting them to our church.

Let us remind ourselves that like God, we are Indian-givers who circulate gifts. The Christian Church is not the place to save money, but the community to share the money for God’s mission. Let us remember how much God has blessed us and how much Jesus Christ has sacrificed himself for us.

We have received a lot of gifts from God. Now, God wants us to circulate them to our neighbors. We may keep the gifts that we had received this Christmas, but we should share the gifts of God with our neighbors. Remember that like our God we are Indian-givers.

Happy New Year and Happy Epiphany!

Sungmu Lee

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