Sumgmu's Monthly Message, January 2024
Early Morning Devotion During Lent

Sumgmu’s Monthly Message, February 2024

Welcome to February! One month has already passed since we took the first step into the new year. We are now getting familiar with the number 2024.

Some people say, “I wish I had more than twenty-four hours a day. I need additional hours: I am so busy doing so many things.” If you agree with them and would like additional hours in your life, I have good news for you. You may have guessed what I am talking about. Yes, we will have additional twenty-four hours in February of 2024.

If you still do not know what I mean, then take a look at the calendar. Now, you have got it. This year is a leap year, and we have twenty-nine days in February. Therefore, we will have additional twenty-four hours this year! If you were born on February 29, you will be happier than others this year. You would often celebrate your birthday on February 28 or March 1. Yet, this year you can celebrate your birthday on the exact day. Happy birthday!

We are happy to have an additional day which usually happens every four years. If we were to have additional days more frequently, then how happy would we be? Here is a person who reminds us that every day is an additional day. Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh lives by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:19a-20).

As Paul says, we Christians symbolically die with Christ at our baptism, and we are then born into new life. Each one of us is anointed at baptism and marked as God’s own forever. Our lives are not ours but God’s. Now, we are living by the grace of God. Therefore, every day we are living is an additional day. How happy we are in having everyday as an additional day!

As we have an additional day this February, let us remind ourselves that every day is an additional day given to us by the Lord. If we believe so, isn’t it natural to praise and thank the Lord through our lives?

Sungmu Lee

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