“… In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


The Witness Ministry gives attention to developing and strengthening evangelistic efforts of sharing of personal and congregational stories of Christian experience, faith, and service; communication; Lay Speaking Ministries, and other means that give expressions of witness for Jesus Christ.

The witness team coordinates, plans, carries out, and evaluates the congregation’s witness ministries, helping all know and respond to the love of God in Christ. This includes planning evangelistic outreach and setting goals for congregational growth, visitation, and membership care.

  • Volunteer: If you would like to be more involved in the ministry of MUMC and serve on a committee and/or team, please contact the Pastor.

Committees and Groups

Christ’s church exists to worship God. The members of the worship committee help the congregation to understand the meaning, purpose, and the practice of worship. They work with the pastor and the music director with a goal of providing vital and alive worship experiences for the congregation. They encourage the use of spiritual devotional material, and the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, bible reading and study. For more information, contact Ann Wesley or Pat Bruinsma, Co-Chairs, via the contact form.

Acolytes: Serving as an Acolyte is both an honor and service to God, enhancing the congregation’s worship services. The children in 2nd through 12th grade of Memorial UMC may volunteer to attend our acolyte training in order to perform their duties as acolytes. Adults, however, also may serve as acolytes.

In the Methodist traditions, acolytes participate in the worship service by lighting and extinguishing the altar candles. In this tradition, the lighting of the altar candles in the worship service is a symbol of Jesus’ coming into the presence of the worshiping community. Also, before the extinguishing of the last altar candles, the acolytes relight their “candle lighter” and then process out into the narthex. This symbolizes that Jesus Christ is for all people everywhere. It also symbolizes the light of Jesus Christ going out into the world where believers are called to serve.

Please contact the Pastor to bear the Light of Christ.

Altar Guild:

The Altar Guild serves a critical function to the church by preparing and maintaining the altar. Members of the Altar Guild prepare for changes in the liturgical seasons and for all worship services, including weddings, memorials, baptisms, confirmations, and funerals. There exists a special sense of pride and pleasure in contributing to worship in a quiet behind-the-scenes way. Alter Guild arranges the flowers that adorn the church, and coordinate the Altar flower dedications.

The Altar Guild relies entirely on the generosity of church members and friends.

If you would like to donate Sunday altar flowers in memory or honor of someone or to celebrate an event, sign up HERE or at signupgenius or contact Linda Arnold via the contact form.

Seasonal plants for Easter and Christmas may also be requested in honor or in memory of loved ones. Order forms are made available in the narthex, the bulletin and the newsletter.

Communion Stewards: Responsible for the preparation of the elements for weekly communion at the 8:30 am service and at the 10:30 am service the first Sunday of each month and other special services.

Crucifers: Youth who have been confirmed carry the cross and place it on the altar at the beginning of the 10:30 worship. Coordinator recruits, trains and schedules youth.

Worship Leaders: The worship leader plays a vital role in inviting and encouraging the congregation to worship and lead a worship service. Training is provided.

Ushers: Ushers are responsible for welcoming members and visitors, seating those attending worship as needed, collecting the offering and providing direction during worship. Training is available for anyone interested in serving in this capacity. Coordinator recruits, trains, schedules and supervises the ushers for Sunday worship and other special occasions.

The purpose of the Audio-Visual team is to use the gifts and talents God has given us to enhance and assist our worship services and special events. Our ministry consists of sound system operations, creating and using visual media aids during our services, and making audio recordings of our worship services. It’s a genuinely rewarding role in the church, one that often goes unnoticed but is one of the most important.

Training is provided to anyone interested in participating in this support ministry. For more information or to get involved with the team, contact Kevin Sweet or Hyeonjin Kim via the contact form.


  • Sound System Operation: The sound technicians are responsible for producing quality sound for worship. They will set up the microphones, balance the sound, and operate the mixer on the iPad.
  • Livestreaming Operation: The operator is responsible for managing the camera, the livestreaming software, and PowerPoint slides during services.
  • PowerPoint Creation/Operation: PowerPoint designers are responsible for what gets put up on the projection TVs in the sanctuary. A template will be provided for you for the Sunday you are creating the presentation.

Coordinate with the Membership Committee to promote and provide means for open communication among church leadership and the congregation, as well as with the community, other area United Methodist Churches and denominations, the United Methodist District, and the New York Annual Conference.

Maintenance of MUMC website, ‘Who’s Who & What’s What at MUMC,’ ‘Whats and Wherefores of Church Council,’ social media, and other tools of communication. Creation and submission of advertisements for seasonal worship and events.

Public Relations including maintenance of MUMC promotional bulletin boards. Oversight of announcements regarding worship and other activities, including paid ads. Working with committees for the promotion of their events and programs through press releases, posters and flyers, and signs.

Our church produces “The Good News” a monthly publication that provides information and inspiration for all our members. Members of the congregation are encouraged to contribute a story, idea, anecdote, thought or experience. The deadline for articles to be submitted is the 20th of every month.

If you would like to receive a newsletter by mail, please contact Kay Hunter via the contact form.

The 2012 General Conference of the United Methodist Church adopted several resolutions that formally changed the name of this lay ministry to Lay Servant Ministries from the previous Lay Speaking Ministries. Lay servant ministry remains a United Methodist system for lay leadership development. The basic and advanced courses are designed to help persons develop their skills in leadership, communication, and care-giving. Participating in this training as it is offered helps you build relationships with other lay leaders. In this way you increase opportunity for yourself and for your congregation to be in ministry with others, your credibility as a leader is enhanced.

According to the Discipline, a lay servant is a professing member of a local church or charge conference who is ready and desirous to serve the Church and who is well informed on and committed to the Scriptures and the doctrine, heritage, organization and life of The United Methodist Church. A lay servant has received specific training to develop skills in witnessing to the Christian faith through spoken communication, church and community leadership, and care-giving ministries. Lay servants, both local church and certified, must submit an annual report to their charge conference and be re-approved annually.

The mission of the Committee on Records and History is to preserve the historical records of the church that future generations can know our heritage.

To fulfill that mission, the Committee on Records and History organizes, maintains and preserves the historical records of the church. This includes important documents, history of events, pictorial records and interviews of members to collect their oral histories. We wish to promote interest in the history and heritage of the United Methodist Church and of our own congregation. We also serve as facilitators to those who want to do research in church records.


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