“… But take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children’s children—” Deuteronomy 4:9


The Nurture Ministry is focused on education, worship, Christian formation, membership care, small groups, stewardship, and fellowship. Attention is given to the needs of individuals and families of all ages.

The nurture team coordinates, plans, carries out, and evaluates the congregation’s ministry in the areas of member care, worship, and educational experiences, including the church school, small groups, regular and special worship services, stewardship formation, and member visitation.

  • Serve: Each of us has talents that have been given to us by God. The skills you use at home or at work can address a need of our church or community.

    If you would like to be more involved in the ministry of MUMC and serve on a committee and/or team, please contact the Pastor.

Committees and Groups

Education Committee organizes, supervises and oversees the total program of Christian education in the local church at all age levels.

Sunday School: For all ages – held at 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings – September through June. Children’s classes for Toddler through Grade 5 use Spark Lectionary Curriculum which follows the lessons scriptures and lessons that are part of the weekly worship. Bibles are presented to second graders in the fall of each year. Grades 5-8 use Spark Connect, a Bible-centered Sunday school for preteens that takes them on a journey through both the Old and New Testaments and gives them a solid understanding of the history of God’s people, and adds context to who Jesus is and why Jesus is so important.

Children’s Church: During the 10:30 worship service following Children’s Moment, children age 3 thru Grade 1 participate in Christian-related, age-appropriate activities through the end of the worship service.

Vacation Bible School: Program of Bible-based fun and fellowship for age 3 through those entering Grade 5 held mornings for one week in August.

Confirmation: Youth who are in the 8th grade (or above if they have not yet been confirmed) meet weekly from January through June in preparation for their confirmation. The confirmands are taught the basic principles of the United Methodist faith and its history, as well as what it means to be a Christian today, through a variety of “hands-on” activities and discussions. Each confirmand will decide upon, plan and carry out an outreach project of his/her choosing. Confirmands also choose a church member as a mentor to walk alongside them on the Christian journey we call, “Confirmation.”

Adult Education: In addition to Sunday morning classes at 9:30 a.m., short and long-term classes take place at various times during the year at various times during the week.

Special Programs: We coordinate and oversee workshops and events for children for special occasions. These include Christmas pageant, Advent and Holy Week workshops and Reverse Trick-or-Treat and Valentine visits to local convalescent home. Confirmands and graduates, along with their families, are treated to Sunday morning breakfasts in recognition of their accomplishments.

Membership committee includes ‘Evangelism’ and ‘Friendship’ as part of our efforts, because we combined those two committees to meld with membership tasks. Membership oversees the office manager upkeeping records of baptisms, deaths, transfers out, new members, and regular visitors. Attendance is taken weekly by sight and confirmed by sign-in sheets, also noting online viewers. We follow-up with people having extended absence, inviting them to come back home. Pastor sends notes to new visitors. We plan to invite new FB friends to join us in person. Nametags are supplied in back of church.

It is our hope to help our congregation to share their faith in our community, reaching out to those outside our family of faith with open hands.  We aim to grow our church. Please invite friends, neighbors, co-workers & family to come.  We ALL ARE the DISCIPLES God has called on. For folks who wish to officially join MUMC, we guide them through the process, often starting with an information dinner for a group of potential joiners.

We promote awareness of our church to the public through:

  • participation in community festivals
  • signage letting the community know what we have to offer
  • informative & inviting bulletin boards inside church
  • press publicity of our events before and after
  • ‘Welcome Home’ packets for those who visit MUMC
  • overseeing church website, which is a stellar resource for all inquisitors.

This committee oversees ‘Coffee Hour’, making up the schedule and providing instructions.  It is enjoyed by all!  Kudos to committees/individuals for their efforts providing treats and clean-up!

Our committee promotes social activities for the MUMC family.  Often others lead and organize these events such as:  group outings to concerts or plays, sports games, picnics, and at-church dinners/entertainment venues.

We provide an online directory continually being updated, which contains our active friends (last 12 months attended any MUMC worship or event), plus addresses for those who recently moved. Contact info for inactive members/friends can be supplied by church office upon inquiry.

Chairperson serves as a member of the Church Charge Conference and Church Council.

We are God’s hands and God’s arms for those in need of comfort.

The number one goal of the Pastoral Care Committee is to keep in touch with members of our congregation who are struggling with a life- changing situation, such as an illness or death in the family, aging issues or loneliness. Some situations are obvious, and we are able to assist in various ways, including visits and meals.

Support may include phone calls, delivery of home cooked meals, home or hospital visits, transportation, hospital survivor kits for the caregivers who may spend endless hours in a sterile waiting room, get well and thinking of you cards, or any other assistance that may be requested. Pastoral care partnerships ensure that contact is being maintained with those who may be alone or may have needs. It is amazing what a difference a friendly visit and a warm meal can make in lifting one’s spirits.

Visits are made to over 20 “special members” during the Christmas season, delivering homemade goodies and special holiday remembrances.

Ongoing study, speakers and discussion keep committee members educated, informed and equipped for one-on-one assistance to our members.

Prayer shawls are hand knitted/crocheted by members of our church who say prayers while making them and then consecrate them when they are finished.  They are then made available to give to someone who is in need of a mantle of prayer.  The recipients are provided with a prayer that they may recite while wearing the shawl.  Though we ask for a $20 donation for the shawls to cover expenses for materials, it is not required or necessary.

If you or someone else you know is going through a difficult time or could use a little extra “tender loving care”, please contact the Pastor or Kay Hunter, Pastoral Care Committee Chair, via the contact form.

To keep the congregation and community engaged in the prayer ministry of the church there are a number of ways to get involved and practice the spiritual discipline of prayer.

Communication & Prayer Request Cards are available in the pews. These cards are used to communicate with the pastor, church ministry leaders, and the congregational care groups of MUMC. The pastor will read through these cards every week and share any ministry information and prayer requests with other designated members of the congregation.

For those who are not able to join us in-person on Sunday mornings, there is a Communication & Prayer Request form on our website that will also be reviewed and prayed over on a weekly basis. Click here to access Online Prayer Requests.

Email Prayer Chain: The prayer chain provides a means of quickly receiving notification of prayer requests for members of our church, their friends, family and others for whom they wish to receive the benefit of prayer. The prayer chain isn’t really a “chain” at all. You don’t have to do anything more than open the email and pray for those who have made the request.

If you would like to be included in the prayer chain distribution, please contact Donna Baily via the contact form and put “Prayer Chain Opt In” in the subject line. By opting into the prayer chain in this way, you are agreeing that 1) Donna/others can email you prayer requests as we receive them, sometimes multiple times in a week; 2) other prayer chain members may also email prayer requests and updates to the group; 3) you can opt out at any time by emailing Donna with “Prayer Chain Opt Out” in the subject line.

The prayer chain email list may also include former members of MUMC who feel called to pray for us. If you know someone who might like to be included in this prayer chain, please have them get in touch with Donna.

“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.” – 1 John 5:14-15

Based on MUMC’s Mission Statement: “Guiding To and Growing Through the Christian Life,” the goal of the Guiding and Growing Group (formerly known as Revitalization Task Force) is to guide and grow our members and members of the community to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We plan for many events throughout the year which we hope you all will participate in as well as invite friends and neighbors to join you. Also, we hope these events will be attractive to community members, which they will find enjoyable and meaningful and spark their interest in MUMC.

Evangelism – a word that strikes fear in the hearts of most! But evangelism is an important part of being part of a church. Jesus said: Go and make disciples. This is called The Great Commission. It is the direction that Jesus has given us. But approaching people, sharing your faith, and inviting them to learn more is not easy. We are hopefully providing you with tools to make it easier.

We certainly welcome any ideas and especially anyone interested in being part of this group to join us in our efforts to regrow Memorial.

The MUMC Bereavement Support Group is comprised of members whose spouse or partner has died. Everyone grieves differently and in their own way, and the Support Group provides a safe place for members to share each other’s experiences, concerns and emotions that may be causing pain. It is a time set aside for the grieving person to process their own personal grief, away from the day to day frustrations and interruptions we all experience. The fundamental benefit of the Bereavement Support Group is knowing you are not alone, and Christ is always with you.

The Group meets once a month from 9:30am to 11:00am, on the third Wednesday of each month except for July and August. Pastor and Allen Nixon facilitate each meeting. There is no specific agenda, and at the meeting one may express what is troubling them, their emotions, cry, or remain silent, and do this without fear of judgement, as the members know what they are going through.

Also, around the first of each month, an article or two concerning the grieving process is sent to Group members; an example of this is “7 Strategies for Managing Grief During the Holidays.”

If you’d like to join or need more info, contact the pastor or Allen  Nixon via the contact form.

Compiles annually a complete budget for the local church and submits it to the Church Council for review and adoption; develops and implements plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted; administers the funds received according to instructions from the Church Council.

Chairperson serves as a member of the Church Charge Conference and Church Council.

Financial Secretary oversees the counting and recording of all funds contributed to the local church and reports to the Finance Committee all contributions; provides timely reports to all contributors of their giving. Serves as member of Church Council.

Current Expense Treasurer disburses all money contributed to causes represented in the local church budget and other funds as the Church Council may determine; reports each month to the Church Council all funds received and expended. Serves as member of Church Council. Position of Current Expense Treasurer is a paid part time position of our church.

Plans and promotes a comprehensive program of stewardship through educating and engaging church members in the principles of Christian stewardship so that they contribute their time, talents, and treasures to MUMC, making the church and its community better over time; interprets the biblical and theological basis for stewardship; promotes giving consistent with a Christian lifestyle; develops funding concepts within the local church consistent with sound financial practices.

These goals are accomplished through the annual funding campaign, organizing major fundraisers and articles in the newsletter.

Contributions and pledges can be made in-person and/or online here.

Confirmation Mentors serve as a special resource to young people as they explore their faith. In order to be a faith mentor, you will oversee the process of confirmation. You are to be a full participant in all of the activities. Our confirmation process is designed with the philosophy that we grow as Christians by working together, a younger Christian looking over the shoulder of an older, more experienced Christian. We are counting on you to make certain that this will be an important growth experience for one of our young Christians. We believe that this will be an important experience for you. One way to grow in your faith is to help others to grow.


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