And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40

We are called to fulfill Jesus’ commandment to serve God’s people.

MUMC Missions and Outreach coordinates and facilitates the mission ministry of the congregation; educates the congregation about outreach opportunities; supports both local and international outreach.


  • Covenant to Care: Support New Britain’s Adopt a Social Worker program. Congregation supports this ministry by providing food and gift cards for the family Thanksgiving baskets, Easter baskets, and Christmas gifts through the Angel Tree for the children, as well as filled backpacks each fall. Also, help meet any special needs that may arise.
  • MUMC Food Pantry: Collect/distribute non-perishable food items for those facing food insecurity in our community. The food pantry in the upper parking lot is available 24 hours per day.
  • Meal for Winsted: MUMC members cook, pack, and deliver community meals for about 60 people every other month.
  • Fuel Banks: Yearly gifts to the Farmington and Avon fuel banks.
  • Monthly Food Collection: Supports Winsted Methodist Church food pantry.
  • Foodshare: Support Foodshare which warehouses and distributes food to residents of both Hartford and Tolland counties.
  • U.M.ARMY (United Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth): Send youth and adults to the week-long mission trip. The participants repair homes and yards for clients and share fellowship and worship. (*Clients are members of the local community of the host church and surrounding towns, who are unable to do the repairs and work on their homes.)
  • Kids Day at the Patch: In conjunction with the Pumpkin Patch, the free event opens to local families.


  • Missionary Support: Support of Rev. Oksana Petrova of Trinity UMC in St. Petersburg, Russia, who maintains a congregation of 30 in a library, works with children in two orphanages, runs a summer camp for them, and counsels drug and alcohol abusers.
  • Project Adopt a Village (PAAV) in Ethiopia: A non- profit that provides leadership and vision, while addressing daily medical and public health needs for individuals and families.
  • Pedals for Progress (P4P) Collection: Bicycles and sewing machines along with a $ donation for each item are collected yearly and sent to P4P, a non-profit organization that empowers sustainable economic development by recycling bicycles and sewing machines from the U.S. and shipping them to motivated people in the developing world.
  • We support worldwide mission projects through our connectional United Methodist Church, such as World Service and United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR). *UMCOR assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need. 100% of all donations to UMCOR go to humanitarian relief and development.
  • We assist with scholarships for MUMC members who attend mission trips.
  • Serve: We do our Missions and Outreach by supporting people and programs both locally and globally with our prayers, gifts, and service.

    If you would like to be a part of the ministry, please contact Laura Gorden via the contact form.

    Also, monetary donations may be made HERE.


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