Memorial United Methodist Church fosters the spiritual growth of our children and youth through enriching programs, including Sunday School, youth groups, and more!


The Children’s ministry of Memorial United Methodist Church focuses on making faithful disciples of Jesus Christ:

  • Helping children to expand knowledge of the Christian faith in a safe and enjoyable environment.
  • Providing children with opportunities to connect the knowledge with our everyday lives: “What does it mean to be Christians in our time.”
  • Enabling children to cultivate a desire to practice what they learn in Sunday school by reaching out, affirming, and loving our neighbors as Christ first loved us.


Family Worship

Children are invited to Sunday worship service with their family. Children sit and sing, listen to the Word of God, take communion and pray, learning the meaning and value of worship. During Children’s Moment, children are invited to come forward and sit on the altar steps to hear and participate in the children’s sermon. We include children and youth as liturgists, acolytes, musicians and greeters, laying a foundation to continue growing as faith followers. From the Children’s Moment to Youth Choir, we intend for components of worship to engage our younger worshipers.

To make the worship experience meaningful for parents and children, we offer the following:

Loving Child Care:   During our 10:30 Family Worship, loving child care is provided for babies and children under age 3. Exit the sanctuary to the right and take the elevator to the first floor; turn right. Nursery is the 5th door on the right.

Children’s Time During Worship: All children are invited to come to the altar where the scripture of the day is interpreted and explained at a level they can understand.

Children’s Church: Following the children’s time during our 10:30 worship service, children (age 3 thru first grade) are invited and escorted to the education wing to participate in Christian related, age appropriate activities through the end of worship.  While curriculum is designed for this age group, all children are welcome to participate.

Rock-a-Bye Baby: Two rocking chairs at the back of the sanctuary are provided for use by parents who may have a fussy baby. Just a little rocking may be all the comfort needed…..

Audio of Service Available in Parlor:   If a parent feels the need to take their child out of the sanctuary, audio of the service is available in the Parlor. As you exit the sanctuary, go down the hall to the parlor on the right.

Children’s Books / Worship Activity Packets:   The bookshelves at the rear of the sanctuary contain books for children to take into worship, as well as Activity Packets that provide paper, pencil, crayons that can be used during worship. At the conclusion of worship, please take home any papers that have been used and return the packet to the shelves.

Children’s Bulletins:   Also on the bookshelves at the rear of the sanctuary, children’s bulletins for ages 3-6 and 7-12 are provided weekly with games and activities that follow the lectionary and lesson of the worship services. Pencils are provided.

Children’s Sunday School

Sundays at 9:30 am, Classes in the Education Wing (September through June)
Age 3 through Grade 12

Our Sunday School classes provide age-appropriate bible lessons and learning activities that are both fun and spiritually rich. The children learn about the character of God, the work of Christ, and the means of living in right relationship to God and all people. This is accomplished by teaching our children with a systematic approach where they are able to hear it, see it, say it, and do it.

  • PreK through Grade 4: Children at MUMC will experience Bible stories through the use of Spark Lectionary Curriculum.  Through lessons, Bible readings, activity sheets, and more, kids learn the Bible story that coincides with the Lectionary calendar.
  • Grades 5 – 8: use Teen Sunday School Place Curriculum, which includes study of the Bible or life applications introducing with games, skits, etc. and then connecting with the day’s topic.
  • Grades 9 – 12: The class discusses relevant issues and how they relate to the Bible and their faith. Currently the class is working through C. S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity.”

Youth Programs

The mission of our Youth Programs is to provide a loving, secure place where youth can learn about God, develop a personal relationship with Jesus, join in Christian fellowship and discover the joy of serving others.

In addition to Sunday School and Confirmation classes, Avon Youth Fellowship provides the opportunity for youth to participate in fellowship events as well as service projects. These include both events at MUMC and offsite.

Special Events & Mission Projects

The children’s ministry provides events and projects through the year for children and families to dive deeper into faith together. From interactive learning about Advent, to Lent, to celebrating Easter, these events are a great way to get to know our community and engage in prayer and fun activities with your child. For more information about children’s ministry, contact Jennifer Lamoureuxail, Sunday School Superintendent, via the contact form.

Promotion Sunday / Graduation Sunday

Holy Week and Lenten workshops

Palm Sunday parade

Easter Egg Hunt

Vacation Bible School

Reverse Trick or Treat

Visitation to convalescent homes

Advent workshop of crafts and activities

Christmas Pageant