CT District Evangelism Initiative 24-25
Pairs & Spares 2024


We gathered on St Patrick’s Day briefly
To stock the church food pantry chiefly
I helped avoid starvation
With my small donation
And got me some cabbage and corned beefy

The St Patrick’s Day dinner was a great success. We had almost 90 people attend, including more folks from outside our church than I can remember.

Thanks to all the bakers, youth, volunteers, and diners, we collected $782 for our food pantry (100% of which goes towards the food), plus we had one couple bring a box of food as a donation. For those who remember the tower of food from the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, this one is almost double.

I recently met my new friend Kenny in Unionville (who is currently homeless) and gave him our address. The next time I saw him, he said he picked up some peanut butter and jelly. He doesn’t have access to electricity, so he can’t use the stuff that needs cooking, but with a loaf of bread, he was able to get himself many meals. The nature of our gift is, by definition, anonymous, so while we may not realize who we are helping, because of it, many, many people know that we care about them (even if we have never met).

From Kevin Sweet, Revitalization Task Force Co-chair

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