
SPR Committee Meeting

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Meeting Date: 3rd Thursday of the month
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Palor and Zoom

About the committee:

The following are some key duties of the SPR committee. Most are taken from the UMC Book of Discipline, but not all are listed, and some are specific to MUMC.

  • To encourage, strengthen, nurture, support, and respect the pastor and staff and their family(s).
  • To develop and approve written job descriptions within employee agreements. To maintain the Personnel, Policies & Procedures Employee Handbook. Ensure these documents are signed upon hire, annually and when any changes. Keep these and other SPR documents in locked church file cabinet.
  • To confer with, consult, and counsel the pastor and staff on matters pertaining to priorities in the use of their gifts, skills, time; and priorities for the demands and effectiveness of the mission and ministry of the congregation.
  • To provide evaluation at least annually for the use of the pastor and staff in an ongoing effective ministry and for identifying continuing educational needs and plans. Keep written record of evaluations.
  • The committee shall cooperate with the pastor, the district superintendent, and the bishop in securing clergy leadership. Its relationship to the district superintendent and the bishop shall be advisory only. NYAC determines our pastor appointment, starting salary, travel/moving requirement, vacation/spiritual renewal time-off, health and life insurance, pension, housing requirement. We can decide salary increase. SPRC confers with the pastor and/or other appointed members of the staff if it should become evident that the best interests of the charge and pastor will be served by a change of pastor. -The committee and the pastor shall have the authority to hire, contract, evaluate, promote, retire, and dismiss non appointed personnel, but shall keep informed the Church Council regarding such matters. SPR will seek approval and direction from Church Council for any employment changes that affects church function, ministry, unity, etc. SPR will seek approval from Finance committee for any salary changes to the budget.
  • Members of the committee shall keep themselves informed of personnel matters in relationship to the Church’s policy, professional standards, liability issues, and civil law. They are responsible for communicating and interpreting such matters to staff.

Chairperson serves as a member of the Church Charge Conference and Church Council.

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