Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
Meeting Date: Every Wednesday and Saturday (Open Meeting)
Time: 8:00 pm
Location: Fellowship Hall
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in America in 1935 by Bill Wilson (Bill W.) and Robert Smith (Dr. Bob). Two centuries earlier, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, established Methodist penitent bands in England, which organized on Saturday nights, the evening on which members of these small groups were most tempted to frequent alehouses. The hymns and teaching provided during these meetings addressed the issues the members faced, thus the connection between these bands and the current practices of AA.
In addition, other Avon locations for AA meetings are available, one at the Avon Center Congregational Church each morning at 7:00 AM, and also on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM at the West Avon Congregational Church on Country Club Road.
If you know of anyone who would benefit from participating in any of these meetings, please have them contact any of the three churches mentioned. AA is truly a lifesaving program that has stood the test of time.