Meeting Date: March 25, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Parlor and Zoom
About the committee:
Memorial Garden Committee is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the Memorial Garden, recording of those remembered in the garden, purchase and installation of memorial plaques. Memorial Garden Committee is under the jurisdiction of and overseen by the Board of Trustees.
Memorial Garden was established to remember persons no longer with us who rest in the certain hope of resurrection into eternal life. It is a living memorial of simple and natural beauty where every season is a reminder of life’s eternal renewal. The quiet beauty found in the Garden is a source of comfort, encouragement and inspiration for all who visit. The privilege of having a name entered on the bronze Memorial Plaque and/or ashes scattered or placed in the Garden is reserved for MUMC members, their immediate families, past members and friends of the congregation. For a designated donation of $500, the name of the memorialized person will be placed on the Plaque located in the Garden. Pre-arrangements may be made for placement of cremains (ashes) and remembrance on the Memorial Plaque. Brochures with complete information about the Garden, as well as forms for submittal of information, are available in the display in the Narthex of the Sanctuary.
Chairperson serves as a member of the Church Charge Conference and Church Council.
*MUMC Memorial Garden is open year-around to everyone. Come relax, mediate, pray, and recharge your soul!