
Finance Committee Meeting

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Meeting Date: 2nd Tuesday of the month
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Parlor and Zoom

Compiles annually a complete budget for the local church and submits it to the Church Council for review and adoption; develops and implements plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted; administers the funds received according to instructions from the Church Council.

Chairperson serves as a member of the Church Charge Conference and Church Council.

Financial Secretary oversees the counting and recording of all funds contributed to the local church and reports to the Finance Committee all contributions in aggregate; provides timely reports to all contributors of their giving. Serves as member of Church Council.

Current Treasurer disburses all money contributed to causes represented in the local church budget and other funds as the Church Council may determine; reports each month to the Church Council all church funds received and expended. Serves as member of Church Council. Position of Current Treasurer is a paid part time position of our church.

Plans and promotes a comprehensive program of stewardship through educating and engaging church members in the principles of Christian stewardship so that they contribute their time, talents, and treasures to MUMC, making the church and its community better over time; interprets the biblical and theological basis for stewardship; promotes giving consistent with a Christian lifestyle; develops funding concepts within the local church consistent with sound financial practices.

These goals are accomplished through the annual funding campaign, organizing major fundraisers and articles in the newsletter.

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