
Bible Cremation Service

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Bible Cremation: Respectful, dignified disposal of unusable Bibles and other religious items

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Time: 11:30 am (following 10:30 am Service)
Location: Upper Courtyard

We’ll respectfully cremate unusable Bibles, Hymns, and other religious items in our parlor library on Sunday, September 29. We invite you to bring religious items of yours that are no longer usable for the cremation. Prior to doing so, however, please check it for items that might have been inserted over the years.

Also, Anne Fitzgerald would be happy to photograph the cover, spine, title page and your family marriage, birth and death records before the 29th for your safekeeping. Contact her via the online contact form to make that arrangement.

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Tue, Wed, Fri: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

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