It is in interactive relationship with others and time spent together that Christians grow in love for one another and for God. A time of fellowship encourages these relationships.


The Greek word Koinonia (Kοινωνία) is a dynamic relationship. It depicts an interactive relationship between God and believers who are sharing new life through Christ. It involves active participation in the Christian community: sharing in spiritual blessings and giving material blessings.

We enjoy spending time together. Through a wide variety of fellowship opportunities and social activities, our members develop connections that bring meaning, hope, and a lot of laughter and fun to their lives.

Sunday Fellowship Hour
After the Service in Fellowship Hall

Fellowship Hour on Sunday mornings is one of our most popular opportunities for connection and community. Held in our inviting Fellowship Hall (Downstairs), “Fellowship Hour” often features delicious food and a chance to check in with friends, welcome new people, and learn about important opportunities to get involved both within and beyond the walls of our congregation.

Fellowship Hour is overseen by the Membership Committee which makes up the monthly schedule and provides printed instructions. It is enjoyed by all who attend and the serving committee members and summer volunteers.

Thursday Lunch Bunch
Thursdays, 12 pm in Fellowship Hall (except first week of the month)

Pack up your own lunch and come join the casual gathering. Enjoy time together sharing stories, memories, lively discussion and laughter.

Coffee, tea etc. provided.

First Friday Potluck Lunch

1st Friday of the month, 12pm, Fellowship Hall

Please join us for great food, conversation and fellowship! If you can, bring a favorite main or side dish, casserole, salad, snack or dessert to share. Beverages provided. All are welcome!

*Each month has a special theme.

Our first First Friday lunch was held on June 3, 2011. One of our elderly members, Aura Welch, had expressed that although she was fortunate to live with and enjoy the company of her family, she missed socializing with others. Pastoral Care Committee decided it would be beneficial to everyone, and especially those who were otherwise alone, to gather for a pot lunch luck once a month. Sadly, Aura passed away just two days before our first lunch. We are all thankful to her for these times we spend together sharing our good food, fellowship and friendship.

See the Calendar for updates.


Pairs & Spares
(Eats for Eight and Fellowship Dining)

MUMC Pairs & Spares is a ministry gathering and grace over a meal. Six to eight people will get together around the table to laugh, tell stories, and get to know each other better.

If you would like to participate, contact Anne Fitzgerald via the contact form.

Once the original group determines a convenient first date and who will be host, the host decides who the spare(s) will be. The host provides the entrée and the others provide side dishes, dessert, and beverage.

At the first dinner, the group may decide who will host next and when, then that host will invite another spare(s). Or the date decision can be made when convenient. Repeat the third time. There is no specific time frame, just whenever it works for the original group.

Monthly Potluck Supper
3rd Friday or Sunday of the month, 5:30pm, Fellowship Hall

A revival of an old tradition – great opportunity to share a meal and fellowship, and to get to know each other better. Invite family, friends and neighbors to join you. Bring a favorite dish to share if you can, but it’s not compulsory.

*Each month has a special theme.

See the Calendar for updates.