Welcome Home!

Memorial United Methodist Church is your place to be. Everyone is welcome. Experience God’s love at work here!

Our doors are open to all who really seek to know the Lord and have healing for their souls. All our programs and activities are planned with you in mind. You are the reason we are here, and God’s house is open for you and for me! If you are visiting for the first time, the leadership and members here at Memorial are so welcoming you will not even notice you are in a new place. The Holy Spirit is at work in us—giving us the will to do what pleases the Lord. Once you join us, the Lord will begin to use you to glorify God and to make you useful in God’s kingdom.

We hope this lighthearted introduction to our worship traditions will let you enjoy the Service a little more.

Our pastor is available for counseling and for visitation in homes, hospitals, and nursing homes. Whether or not you are a member of our congregation, please feel free to contact pastor Lee.

Children’s Holy Week Workshop on Palm Sunday

“Fellowship Hour” after Sunday Worship

Passing the Light on Christmas Eve Service

Sunday School

We offer Sunday School classes for all ages on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am – September through June.

  • Adult Sunday School: The class is involved in studies that encourage growth in mind and spirit, challenges our faith and keeps us motivated to live like Jesus. We encourage open communication where all contributions are respected and regarded. Learn more.
  • Children’s Sunday School: The class brings in a variety of teaching techniques to enhance growth for children with different learning styles. We use games, worksheets, drama, discussion questions, singing and more! Come and see! Learn more.
  • Youth Sunday School: The class provides children the opportunity for both spiritual formation and education. Learn more.

Babies and Children

Fussy babies and restless children are God’s blessing (though it might seem otherwise sometimes to a harried parent). If your child makes a little noise don’t worry about it – it will keep the rest of us from falling asleep during the boring parts :). If you prefer, take a walk out to the Parlor located in the Education Wing (exit the right rear sanctuary door, go down the hall to the parlor on the right) and come back when things have cooled down – the Service is piped to the Parlor through speakers so you can listen as you soothe.

Standing and Sitting

At various points in the service, the congregation is invited to stand. If you are juggling a baby or are not feeling up to it, feel free to remain seated.

Moments of Joys and Concerns

There is a time of sharing of joys and concerns and a time of prayer at the altar for the congregation. It provides an opportunity for the congregation to both witness to their faith and share in the context of prayer the joys and concerns of life. Many of us carry these joys and concerns with us throughout the week, and in our own way, keep each other in prayer. While there is no one pattern of prayer at MUMC, there are many ways we hold each other’s lives in our hearts.

There are prayer request cards on the Usher’s Table in the rear of the sanctuary. You can fill them out with any request for prayer and remain anonymous if you choose. They are collected by the ushers and read out loud before the Pastoral Prayer.

Children’s Moment

During worship service, children are invited to come forward and sit at the front of the church for a children’s moment. The children’s moment takes the lectionary scripture and shares it with children through an object lesson or a short story. These moments are often memorable, as you never know just what the children may say! If someone feels shy, they are welcome to bring along a Big Person for company.

Tithes and Offerings

We present our tithes and offerings to recognize the grace we experience in our daily lives, respond with the practice of gratitude, and share what we have so that God’s grace might grow. This lies at the heart of our Christian journey. Give whatever amount is comfortable for you. Some of our members give online or by mail rather than at Service to allow their tithe to be collected even if they are not able to join us in worship. Offering envelopes are on the Usher’s Table in the rear of the sanctuary if you would like to use them.

If you would like your own set of numbered envelopes, please contact Diane Hornaday via the contact form.

Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper)

The Lord’s Supper is one of the two sacraments (the other is Baptism) in which, faithful to Christ’s memory and commandment, we receive the spiritual body and blood of Christ in consecrated bread and juice for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our union with Christ and one another, whereby we are empowered for the work of witness and service in Christ’s name.

At MUMC, Holy Communion is celebrated at every 8:30 am service and at the 10:30 am service on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Parents can decide if they wish to serve their children – you can tell them this is one way we remember Jesus and the things He did for us. The elements are plain gluten-free bread and grape juice served in the individual communion cups. You are usually invited to come forward to receive the elements. If you find it difficult to come to the altar area during the Lord’s Supper, an usher will serve you in your pew.

Postlude and Fellowship Hour

During Postlude there is no expectation to remain silent or seated. This can be a time to visit with others, to proceed out or enjoy listening. Our Pastor and Worship Leader will be waiting to greet you at the rear of the sanctuary.

We have an informal “Fellowship Hour” in the Fellowship Hall (downstair)  immediately following Sunday Service. We serve coffee, tea, cold drinks, and juice or punch for the kids, and refreshments. It’s an opportunity for people to catch up with old friends and meet new friends, then leave at their own pace. We especially hope you as a visitor can stay for Fellowship Hour so you can get to know us a little better.

Parking and Disabled Access

Our main parking lot is located on the east side of the church building – look for the MUMC street sign and enter off of West Avon Road (Route 167). An additional parking lot is behind the church building.

For People with Disabilities: We have handicapped parking spaces in the parking lots as designated by the universal handicap icon. Our wheelchair-accessible ramp entrance that leads to the sanctuary is just off the main parking lot. An elevator located in the hallways provides easy access to the main and lower levels of the church building. All floors are handicap accessible and we are fully compliant with all required building codes. Large-print Bibles, large-print bulletins, and assistive listening devices are available from an usher upon request.


Accessible toilets are located in the hallways on every level.

Join Us

We hope to see you at our Worship Service soon. If you are looking for a church home and would like to consider joining our church family, please contact our pastor. Our pastor would be happy to visit with you about this at your convenience.


Memorial United Methodist Church
867 West Avon Road, Avon, CT 06001

Join Our Community

Make You Visible to Christ and His People.