
Homecoming Sunday

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Homecoming Sunday

  • Service: 9:30 am (In-person and Online) | Sanctuary (*Childcare is provided.)
  • Extended Fellowship Hour: 10:30 am following the Service | Fellowship Hall

Homecoming Sunday is a chance to gather and reconnect as we kick off a new season. It is a tradition of welcoming the church family back after a summer of rejuvenation.

We come together for our Worship Services to experience the love of Jesus and to respond to God in worship. The love of Jesus compels us to live lives that testify to the hope we have in him.

For more info, please visit the Worship with Us webpage.

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Sunday Services

8:30 am (In-person only) &
10:30 am (In-person & Live-stream on Youtube & Facebook)
Tue, Wed, Fri: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

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