
U.M. ARMY Friday Evening Service

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MUMC Family and friends are invited to Friday Evening U.M.ARMY service held during the 2024 UMARMY Mission Week in West Hartford, CT!

Event Date: Friday, July 26, 2024
8:00 pm – 8:30 pm
West Hartford UMC

This year, our UMARMY participants are 3 youth (Ella Ross, Nate Ross, and Julia Sweet) and 3 adults (David Gorden, Laura Gorden, and Kevin Sweet).

Please keep praying for our participants to be safe, to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, and to hear the heart of God through the mission work.

Also, we want to invite our congregation to see what a UM ARMY service is, and we are inviting you to come to our Friday night service July 26 at 8 pm at the West Hartford UMC.  Contact Julia Sweet via the contact form if you want to go or have any other questions.  She wants to get a head count of who is going.

Carpooling from MUMC parking lot. Meet at 7:30. Please let Kay Hunter know via the contact form if you will be carpooling so we know to expect you (and don’t leave without you!).

U.M. ARMY is an acronym which stands for “United in Mission, Action Reach-out Ministry by Youth.” Its mission is “To provide Christ-centered missions that serve people in need and to promote spiritual growth and leadership in youth and young adults.” It is an opportunity for youth and adults to experience Christian growth through mission, worship, and fellowship. Young people discover the importance of loving through their actions, not just their words, during our mission weeks. Participants are able to experience the power of God’s love as they provide practical assistance to their neighbors.

Each day begins and ends with a worship service, and participants are encouraged to deepen their relationship with Christ. Each day, participants combine their strengths to meet home repair and maintenance needs for low-income, elderly, and disabled homeowners who are physically or financially unable to make needed repairs themselves. Clients are members of the local community of the host church and surrounding towns. Home repairs are done free of charge to the homeowner.

Learn More about U.M. ARMY

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