Faith, Hope, Love
We are God’s Hands Extended to Our Neighbors!
At each baptism, confirmation, or reception into membership, our congregation speaks a variation on these words:
“We renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the Church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, and our service.”
They remind us our faith is an active one. Each of us has talents that have been given to us by God. We give back a portion of the bounty He has provided in our financial offerings, but as important as finances are, no amount of money can substitute for each person’s unique and special talents, interests, and abilities. Perhaps the skills you use at home or at work can address a need of the Church or community. On the other hand, maybe serving the Church can provide a way for you to do something completely different from your daily routine. One way or the other, your skills and commitment are needed.
Jesus said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). He does not ask of us more than we can bear, neither will your Christian brothers and sisters in this congregation. Just as with your financial offerings, we call you to offer only that Service you can freely and joyfully give. If your circumstances change, we will recognize and accept any changes this may require of your service. On the other hand, you may find that as you Serve, God’s gift back to you will be “Fruit of the Spirit” that brings fulfillment and joy and the energy and focus to live the rest of your life better.
Explore our groups and volunteer opportunities where you can get connected and serve.